Monday, December 18, 2023

Some Trouble at the Gate

 Some Trouble at the Gate

Saturday we did our Christmas party. It went quite well. Almost all of our friends came over. The house was full and noisy, and there was a bunch of food. The problem with playing host is that I seldom manage to get enough to eat at these gatherings. It's go here, talk there, go for a bite, but wait! Something or other needs done, and before I know it the evening is over, I'm dizzy tired, and I haven't stopped moving all day.
Then typically, I find I'm too keyed up to sleep despite being all tired out.
So my tank was less than half full when I went out, and got to work on the big rock Sunday morning.
The task of the day was simple enough. The stone has a good flat surface for a base, but there was a drill scar that ran about three quarters of the way across the flat bottom. 

I had shoved the rock around so that the drill scar lined up with the edge of the patio pavement. Even with part of the base hanging off the edge the stone sat stable. Today's task was to eliminate the drill scar, and chisel away enough stone so that I could run the base line around where I cut the material away. This would leave some rock hanging out over the edge of the base, but I figured I could work with that easily enough.
Didn't quite work out that way.

The rock still sits flat and stable, but to my eye, there is just way too much material hanging over the one edge of that base. I under-estimated just how much overhang there would be. It does not make for a pleasing form.


This isn't the first time something like this has happened, and I've always found some way to correct an awkward basic shape.

But along with my greatly dimished level of physical energy has come a dimished level of confidence. It feels like a major fuck-up. I shoulda' known better, planned better...
But, like I said, this is not the first time I've made a less-than-perfect move. I've got some ideas. It'll work out.

1 comment:

  1. The rock still sits flat and stable, but to my eye, there is just way too much material hanging over the one edge of that base.

    It looks a little precarious, like on of those skyscrapers where the designer has managed to balance the bilk of the building on a seemingly-much-smaller footprint. That said, it also looks like the beginning of one of those sculptures which seem to defy gravity, which in my mind is a pretty good start. But then, I'm not the one doing the work, and given that I've been side-eyeing this pheasant painting I started last week, I know how intimidating it can be to go on.

    Anyway, it from here it looks like you just started an adventure.
