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Monday, June 15, 2009

Flowers In The Yard

Secret growing heart
opens for a lover's eyes
playing give and take

haiku by Julie

I finally got the evil ie8 uninstalled, and ie7 is back limping along as always. No, thank you. I do not choose to update. I'm using Firefox anyway.
And I still don't feel much like posting just yet, but that may change. In the mean time, as always, I'm ready to go to almost endless lengths to find new material to write about. In this case I went all the way out to the back yard, where I planted one of those trumpet flower plants a couple years ago. So here are some shots of the trumpet flower plant in my back yard. Maybe I can bum a haiku off someone, and then the pictures will have captions. Click to enlarge.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

WTF at the wfb. stepping back

I read Joan of Argghh's post yesterday, and it tied in with the last two posts over at Mushroom's. I'll weigh in here, rather than post on both blogs. I too have felt this odd sense of impending doom. Indolence, and Barbarism. I seem to get the flashes when I'm driving. For me the flashes manifest as titles- names for the stages in some huge thing that unfolds before us. 9/11 was The Dark Epiphany. The shock wave resonated around the globe, and set the next phase in motion. What followed was The Alignment of Sides. Sheep to the left, goats to the right. Or was it goats to the left? At any rate, the Alignment of Sides is all but over. The lots have been called and cast. Here we are. We know who we serve. And you see who won the power. Now comes The Inversion. It is impossible to look at pop culture or the media without being drowned in it. Ugly is cool. Nothing is sacred, not even beauty. The Lie owns, and a frightening number of people have placed their Faith in The Lie. Or so it would seem. What will follow The Inversion?

I don't know.

But I'm bettin' it ain't good.

Right now I can't even stand to listen to talk radio unless it's Prager on values, or great issues. Politics is toxic. Pop culture is depressingly ugly. And right now, I just don't want to add another screedy log to the fire.

So, I'm going to drop back into lurk mode for a while.

Maybe just post a pic here and there for a while- who knows?