Monday, August 7, 2023

Startin' in on some new stuff.

 Startin' in on some new stuff.

Trichocereus Bridgesii in bloom


So, it's Monday morning, gray and cool here in So Cal. Mary is on a short vacation in Palm Desert, and I have the place to myself for the week.
Sort of. 
Pierre will be here pretty soon to resume work on the bathroom overhaul. We've been without a shower or bath for the last three weeks or so. The house is a mess. No point in trying to clean things up in the middle of construction. 
 My brother  recommended Pierre for the job, and I'm glad we hired him to do it. The last two rebuilds were done half-assed. There was a lot of repair needed on the sub flooring, and the construction had been done all mickey moused. Pierre is a craftsman; he does quality work. 
Even so, I'll be glad to see an end to it. I've been showering with the garden hose in the back yard. It kind of works. Leave the hose out in the sun all afternoon, and I get just enough hot water to clean up. Too, I've been feeling like crap ever since the middle of June. Had some some respiratory congestion. Doc gave me cortisone and an inhaler. It was impetus to finally hang up my guns on smoking weed. Just as well. The bud has been an ally for a very long time, but it was wearing out its welcome. Used to be a tweet in the morning lit up my creative energies, and kept me focused on task. But it was losing the magic, and by mid afternoon I was just feeling stoned out. I found myself saying, "I'm just sick of this shit." 
But over a month has passed, and my energy and stamina are still way too low. Kaiser isn't much help. I can chalk some of it up to just being seventy, but only some of it.
I've been working hard on the Lost Canyon stuff again. I finished the Lost Era slideshow movie using the Movavi program. Last Saturday, I premiered the film at the Whittier Museum during the closing reception for The Hills Are Alive art show. It went over very well. More on this in a subsequent post.
I'll wind up with a few pictures of the Smallstone Project.

 I started in on the finishing yesterday. All in all I'm very pleased with the work. What started out as a kind of goof-around improvisational effort has turned into one of my better pieces. Pierre likes it well enough that he's taking it home with him when it's done. My first really for real sale! Not bad at all.
I'll wind up with this final note. I will resume regular posting here, and try to get some kind of baloney posted up at the very least once a week. I'm bailing out on the most detestable site on earth, Facebarf, and I want to be able to trade a few notes with my on-line friends without that human hemorrhoid Zuckerbarf's AI looking over my shoulder for wrongthink. 
With that. Be well, and have a blessed day.


  1. Re. getting off Facebarf, sounds like a good plan. One of these days I might get back to regular posting on my blog, but for a while now I just haven't had the spark. Not sure what changed recently, but in the past few weeks I've had days where I just feel generally well, and realized it might actually have been a few years since I've felt that way. It's nice; I hope it continues,. Maybe I'll feel inspired to get back into the habit of creating and posting.

  2. We always called it Facebutt. We are immature!
