Wednesday, September 1, 2021



Thanks for stopping by. The WFB is my 'whatever I happen to be in to at the moment' corner of the web. I have two other Blogger sites which are far more interesting.  
The Lost Canyon Project is the chronicle of my work photographing and cataloging the life's work of my late friend, artist Pete Hampton (1940-2018) 

The Lost Era Transcripts is the fruit of the Lost Canyon Project. It is a re-creation in book form of Pete's unfinished master work, The Lost Era. This is a good candidate for the finest work I have ever done.




I've been procrastinating on the task of setting up a photo session. Been putting it off for a while. How long? The last time I bought a camera for the project it used emulsion film. Shoot a roll of thirty six, and hope you get a handful of keepers. Now I have the Canon digital SLR. It's the bottom of the line basic instrument, but it's still more camera than I need.
I've spent the day taking care of miscellaneous tasks, and never did get to work on the stone. But I did some point-and-shoot pics around the house.
With exception of the three new pieces, this stuff was all done in the late 1990's. I think the last date is in '03.

Here's where I left off on the new project. I probably won't get back to it until Friday or Saturday. 

But there should be some cool stuff coming up on next Monday's exciting adventure