Monday, June 5, 2023

Been a While

 Been a While


This is, without a doubt, the coolest grayest spring that I can remember. Week before last I drove down to Hemet to spend the day shootin' the shit with my old friends, Jeff and Bob. There is nothing to recommend the drive. Hemet is about seventy five miles from here. Of course there was a time when that seventy five mile drive could be done in less than two hours. But there was also...
Why go into it? Driving in So Cal has been a nightmare since forever.
 It was great to be able to just sit down and talk  with these guys. Hell, we go all the way back to high school days. Jeff is doing OK out there. He's made a lot of friends, and they all still do their share of partying.
 It isn't often, anymore that I get the chance to sit down and just talk at length with anyone except for Mary. The afternoon was well worth the miserable drive home. One of Jeff's pals turned him on to a couple of shrooms, and Jeff passed them along to me.  Brewed one into tea a few nights ago, and it was fun.

Suddenly I seem to have a ton of work on my plate. Next month is "The Hills Are Alive" show at the Whittier Museum. I have eight of Pete Hampton's paintings to hang, plus a bio-sketch, and links to the websites to prepare.
We're still working on the Lost Era  slide show movie, which will take center stage after I get the Arkhaven site up and running. It has been a challenge getting the Lost Era Transcripts re-formatted for the new platforms. My computer-foo is getting a workout. If all goes well the serial should go live in a couple, or three weeks.
And someplace in all this mess I have a stone project that I really want to work on. I'm managing to get a few days in here and there, but that's it. I need to do more. Computer work is not difficult, but it's robotic and dull. Each individual task is simple, but it adds up to a mountain, and a molehill of simple tasks. The stonework is purely a right brain dance. The perfect antidote to keys, and clicks.
Here's where I left off.
This is very much a make-it-up-as-I go project. I keep finding new stuff to do with it, and I'm having fun. But like I mentioned earlier, this is sharing time and energy with a whole bunch of other stuff. It's coming along slowly.

It's a lot of stuff to do. And sitting here with my coffee cold in the cup, I realize that, you know- I don't have to do any of this. There is no boss, no deadline, no consequence for saying, "Screw this."
Except in my head. This voice reminds me that there is only so much time. You gotta' *DO* something with it.
Just because.

Because things are changing.
 (no, really?!)

 I mean things are changing with me. For years, now, being "well-informed" has seemed very important. I have a zillion web sites bookmarked, and I have access to all the information, facts, and opinion that  I can cram into my head.
Suddenly, not only does it seem unimportant, but it seems like a great way to squander a lot of time and energy on things over which I have no control. And there are plenty of things to be angry, or dismayed about without searching out more.
So, it's time to re-direct that energy.
Easy to say.


  1. I like that first shot of the stone, it reminds me of a Karyatid column.

  2. Thanks, Julie.
    You had to send me to the dictionary, didn't you? ;)

  3. Now I get it. Yeah, it does have the look of a female form. Stuff like this always happens to me. I saw a pair of elegant curves running down the front edge of the stone. Thought it maybe looked a little like an insect, or something, and then- hey, look! Now, what to do with it? I'll figure out something.
