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Friday, May 17, 2024

New Stone for May

 New Stone for May

Well, here we go again. I'm pleased with the results on that last big rock. I sent photos to Ahmad at the gallery in Claremont, and he'll post them on the web site. Who knows? Someone might even buy the thing.

It's Friday. I predicted a long, very gray So Cal spring to follow our second wet winter in a row, and I predicted right. Usually I like this time of year, but as of late the overcast has been unusually thick, and heavy. It feels like the day never quite wakes up. I could use some clear sky and sun about now.
So here is the raw material for the new project. 

This tall, skinny splinter of rock stands exactly twenty four inches high, and weighs in at eighty pounds even. It's been a couple of years since I bought the last load of rocks from Art City. Counting this one, I have four pieces left. They've been sitting out in the rain and sun, and the surface has weathered considerably. 

Some cracks have opened up that weren't there before. Some time later today, or tomorrow, I'll break out the angle grinder, and dress down the faces. Once the surfaces are ground smooth, I'll be able to see how, and where the rock is cracked. I'll probably have to break out a few good sized chunks. We'll see. 

In other news, I'm finally going to finish up the "On Getting High" series with one last adventure to conclude the project. I had the event a few weeks back, but I'm still working on the essay.
And that's about it from Suburban Hermitage here in dreary So Cal.
Thanks for stopping by



  1. As always, I look forward to seeing what comes of this stone. As it is, it reminds of one of those haystack rock formations, or maybe the sort of high rock one clings to in the midst of a flood or a tidal wave.

  2. "or maybe the sort of high rock one clings to in the midst of a flood or a tidal wave."
    Or in a recurring nightmare. I used to have 'stuck in a high place' nightmare a lot. Thanks for stopping by, Julie. It's always nice to hear from you.

