Monday, May 16, 2022

New Week, New Stone

 New Week, New Stone


So, here we go again. At fifty pounds even, this is the smallest of the five Anza Borrego stones. This long narrow blade of alabaster is milky white with purple inclusions. The material looks very much like a stone that I worked a long time ago. I wouldn't be surprised if they came from the same quarry. 
It didn't take long to figure how the stone would sit. Cleaning the surface was quick work with the angle grinder. It was mercifully easy to determine a cut line, make sure the piece sat straight, and saw across the widest point.

Notice a couple of fissures along the top left, and at the crown. I  dripped Starbond into the cracks to prevent them from going deeper, but I'll still have to see how deep and how wide the cracks are. I'll know  early on in today's session if I can save the crown, or if I'll have to bust out a chunk of the rock.
Of course, whatever figure that emerges dwells within the confines of the material. I have a choice between tall and slender, or slender and tall. The first two carvings are ponderous, and dark. This piece, in contrast, will be light, and more delicate, maybe even ethereal. I'll know just how light and free it will be as soon as I get a feel for the rock. This one seems a little more firm than the black stone, but not hard like the red. Tune in next week for more exciting stuff!

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