Monday, March 21, 2022

Another Shot at Fortune and Fame

 Another Shot at Fortune and Fame

Mon. 3/21
It is Spring, although it doesn't feel like it yet. Last night I finally got around to re-setting the clocks. It occurred to me that this may well be the last time I have to do it, and that thought brought me a tiny moment of elation: liberated from some mandated nonsense that no one asked for, no one wanted, and no one liked. 
It takes most people about two weeks to get adjusted to the time change. Think about it. That's two weeks twice a year, or just about one month per year. Eight per cent of our lives are spent being unsure of what time it is. By the time you're sixty years old, you've spent five years of your life like this. That's gotta take a toll. Maybe after a year of no clock stress the world will heal and sanity will become popular again.
Friday, 3/18/22 
The week has been less than eventful here at the Suburban Hermitage, and that's a good thing.  We had a modest turnout for the ten year anniversary of the So Cal RatRod Ride. Even so, it was a good ride and a good day. Our friends Lee and Cory came down from Simi Valley. A new couple from Fontana came out for their first cruise, and they enjoyed the heck out of it. There is good to be found if we look to see it.
And work on the new stone is underway. The material is softer than I'd like, but the form that seems to be thus far emerging is not going to demand thin cuts, or elaborate open work. We'll see. 


I closed last week's post with some grumbling about not having my work accepted for the art show in Brea. Of course, I was goofing about the indignation and outrage. Stuff happens. Truth to tell, though,  it did deflate my enthusiasm for a couple days.
But, (just like in the title of this post) I have another opportunity, another show in another municipality, this one, Santa Fe Springs. And the first thing I saw this morning was the note saying I'm accepted into the show. Nothing happens until the end of April, but it's still a good way to start out a morning.  So, it's on to the task, now with renewed enthusiasm. Fame and fortune await.


  1. Coongrats!

    The new stone has a very interesting character.

  2. Great reading this after witnessing the win
