Monday, October 11, 2021

On the way

 On the Way

 Last week I just sort of  let stuff tumble out onto the keyboard as I was thinking it. I guess that's what they call "stream of consciousness" writing. I'll try to stay out of the stream, and on topic. 

I  wanted to do this project from a set plan. That is, I wanted to have an idea for a completed figure in mind before starting in on the work.

It's not going to go that way with this chunk of rock. I do have a completed idea in mind, but I'll save it for the next stone. With this one I'll have to do the planning, drawing and sketching on the stone itself.

 Trying to coordinate the three sided pyramid shape, the flat plane on one face, and the lumpy contours of the back face is a serious challenge. I made a start on some of the preliminary shaping, but I had to just stop, and shift back into planning mode. The rest of the week was just drawing on the rock. Saturday evening the light came on.
By Sunday afternoon I had the beginnings of a plan. I'll get grinding on it today.


  1. I always figured you were on topic while in the stream. It's an interesting flow.

    1. Thanks, Mike. Hey, do you have a facebarf acct?

      John M

  2. I quit FB a year ago, then rejoined this summer due to a paralyzed friend imploring me to get back on, as she missed my posts. So for her, I rejoined. A week later I quit again since she was posting mean things about conservatives. So I rejoined because of her, and quit (for good) because of her. Never again.
